Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd recognises its duties under The Equality Act 2010 and will make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to help accommodate a disabled person.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd will not treat a disabled person less favourably because of a reason relating to their disability without a justifiable reason.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd will give men and women equal treatment in the terms and conditions of employment if they are employed on ‘like’ work.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd will not treat a person less favourably than others on racial grounds.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd will ensure that the company’s recruitment, selection and employment practices will treat everyone fairly regardless of religion or belief.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd will not discriminate on grounds of sex, marriage or gender reassignment.

Acrabuild (Anglia) Ltd’s recruitment, selection and employment practices will treat everyone fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.


Signed Marc Speed